Autumn inspiration

A warm welcome to you from Crows Chase Cottage. I would like to wish everyone a happy Autumnal Equinox! The first day of Autumn has brought warm weather with a partly cloudy sky. We are now moving into an extreme drought condition but thankfully there are a few scattered showers forming across the area. Sadly, none here. We have been keeping the wildlife water containers filled daily and our small garden pond is a sanctuary for both birds and squirrels. 

With such dry conditions the leaves have begun falling in larger numbers. Our garden and extended property has become carpeted by dry dull yellow-brown leaves. However, there is hope that some patches of brighter color might arrive soon. I have noticed a few trees beginning to show rich deep red leaves. Also, the walnut trees seem to be holding their own against such dry conditions.....their leaves are beginning to morph into a lovely golden yellow. Unfortunately for the squirrels, not many walnuts, acorns, or hickory nuts formed over the summer season. The local squirrels have been quite busy grabbing what nuts they can find and hiding them away, sometimes in the most hilarious places. My flower pots being a popular choice 😂

Despite the dry conditions this year has brought, I will still celebrate the arrival of Autumn. This time of year, between the equinox and winter solstice, offers an atmosphere that no other time can emulate. Autumn is a growing stillness of the earth, offering a majestic panorama for reflecting upon our blessings in life. At this time we stand at the threshold, leaving the summer months of light and abundance, drawing closer to winter solstice. The harvest season has arrived. We gather the last of our bounty in preparation for the lands slumber.....laying barren, resting, gathering strength for spring's renewal. 

There is also a wistful atmosphere that hangs in the air during this time of year. The crispness of color skews the light in a way no other season can. The sun beams shine lower on the horizon throughout the entirety of the day, bringing our eyes a different perspective of the bold landscapes stretching out before us. Venturing out into the countryside on a lovely cool afternoon, one can even feel a change in the air that  touches our face. It is as if the air pressure has decreased, now feeling feather light....having left the oppressive heat of summer behind. (In most years anyway...this year is definitely an anomaly) 

So it is, that in this time of year, my eyes not only see a magnificent palette among the leaves, they find inspiration in how the light hangs low over the land. My senses form beautiful images in my mind, stored away for future artistic endeavors. Even the air offers up inspiration....making one attempt to communicate such emotions upon a page or canvas. It is the most magical of magical days. 

On this day of equal dark and light, I hope to find balance and harmony. I hope to find wisdom and inspiration from nature. Listen to what the landscape around you is whispering. Capture that message in whatever medium you choose. The written word, paints, mixed media, even collected pieces from nature itself. Yes, I believe that autumn was created for the artists' soul. 🙏

In closing, it is my hope that this season reveals new inspirations, new ideas for your artistic journey. May the crisp cool air not only cleanse your lungs but also cleanse your spirit. Make your existence an ongoing work of art. ❤ Not for anyone else, not for profit, (even though that is a bonus should you choose it) but for you. Your creative journey is for you, whether it is strictly therapeutic or in hopes of sharing your creations with a wider audience. And in going on that journey, I hope you find a creative balance and utilize your artistic blessings. 
With kindest regards, from the cottage at Crows Chase. 


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